sodium lauryl sulfate,
propylene glycol and sorbitol
- The warning says that if you accidentally swallow more than is used for brushing, you should seek professional help or contact the Poison Control Center immediately. Poison? An article by Don Oldenburg of the Washington Post, printed in the Burlington Free Press, Burlington, Vermont, June 1997, states that three ingredients in toothpaste are considered dangerous. There is something going on . . . and your health is at stake. When you discover the facts about the chemicals found in your everyday products and where these chemicals come from, combined with the health consequences, you'll be shocked . . and then you should be angry. Although fluoride may have some benefits in prevention of tooth decay, it is also thought to cause a rare form of bone cancer in experimental studies, according to the federal National Toxicology Program. "Research shows fluoride accumulates with age. We are sitting on a time bomb, and we will see the effects of this in 20 years' time, with millions of people suffering from backache or crippling osteoporosis as a result of fluoride levels," according to Dr. Mansfield, President of the National Pure Water Association. "According to the handbook, Clinical Toxicology of Commercial Products, fluoride is more poisonous than lead, and just slightly less poisonous than arsenic." These are clearly unnecessary risks; many experts believe that children can grow up with healthy teeth while not using any of these chemicals, including fluoride. But You Do Have an Alternative Choice
The 100% pure, natural experience of Glacial Blue comes to you with no chalk, sugar, sweeteners, abrasives, detergents or any adulterating substances found in other tooth products. Glacial Blue contains specially cold-expressed oils of almond, spearmint and peppermint. Nothing else! A lot of the same harmful ingredients found in toothpaste can also be found in most skin care products on the market today. These aggressive, industrial compounds not only act as irritants to your skin, but they also have the capability of seeping through your skin's pores, and invading you body's delicate chemistry. There's even talk of carcinogenic agents making their way into your bloodstream when used on a daily basis. Remember, your skin is a living, breathing organ that needs to take in oxygen, respire carbon dioxide, moisture and toxins. When we film it with petrolatum, mineral oils, glycerine or collagen, oxygen is kept out and we keep the toxins and excessive amounts of moisture in the skin. In fact, many dermatologists admit that a significant portion of dermatological complaints can be traced back to chemically applied, non-natural substances, but yet they also agree that natural cold-pressed oils, specially prepared work really well for people for all skin types because they do not irritate skin like many chemicals do. So the question remains: Do you want beautifully glowing, soft skin without all those corrosive industrial by-products? Well, it's been a long time coming but finally we have a complete skin-care product that actually fulfills its promises. This ultimate alternative to commercial skin-care products treats your skin like a living organ, utilizing state of the art electrical science. It's called Sateen. Sateen (formerly Le Visage) - A Unique Oil Combination
What exactly is in this stuff? Well, the wonderful aroma you smell when you open your first bottle of Sateen reminds you of citrus fruit. That's because it contains only specially cold-expressed essential oils, uniquely combined to respond to one another electrically, synergistically. Within months (or weeks), you may notice the lines around your eyes and mouth smooth out. Spider veins may disappear. Brown spots may fade. And your skin becomes truly soft. Yes, pure oils from plants have such high frequency electrical life force that they can give our bodies superb tools from which to create health and improve our appearance sometimes drastically. Sateen stands the test. You'll see. This facial skin-care oil can give the skin the tools it needs to relieve and help in the healing of a variety of skin problems, including acne, surgical scars, burns, dry skin, eczema, etc.Truly Sateen has proven to be the answer to thousands of men and women's skin-care blues. Not only does it produce extraordinarily beautiful skin, it is also simple to use, time-saving, inexpensive and 100% pure.
regime becomes enormously simplified.
You can use it to replace cleansers,
toners, moisturizers, exfoliants, hand
lotions, night creams, anti-aging
(wrinkle) creams, and even after-shave
lotions. Men can experience the kissable softness of their skin when using Sateen as an after shave. Apply to the back of heels, knees, elbows, even chapped lips. Let Sateen help quiet the storm of windburn, sunburn, and baby's diaper rash. Use the precious oils on your nails and cuticles, even the dry scalp which produces dandruff can be eased. A face-lift in a bottle, tantalizing, luminescent skin. Sateen - the solution you've been looking for . . . the only 100% pure, complete facial rejuvenator that you will ever have the pleasure of experiencing. Contains no alcohol, water, astringent, drying agents or creams. I promise you will be delighted at the difference in your skin in only 8 hours, but just think how incredible your skin will be in just a few months. You will be the glow that stands out in a million faces. Guaranteed!
Now You Can Throw Away Your
But most importantly, Whisper of Silk helps eliminate the leftover impurities of today's water, alleviating itching and dryness while electrically aligning your skin. Step out of the shower and cover yourself with a blanket of silk. For both men and women. A delightful alternative to harmful talcum powder and other chemicalized lotions.
Whisper of Silk
is for the body what Sateen is for
the face. Apply it after a bath or
shower, exposure to wind or sun;
anytime your skin needs moisture.
Smooth and non-greasy, this
combination of pure essential oils
provides nutrients and protective
properties to the skin, alleviating
dryness and lifting impurities.
Whisper of Silk comes in a handy
spritzer bottle. Sweet Almond Oil: Highly nutritive, rich in protein and easily absorbed by body tissues. It has emollient properties and may slow the aging process, especially of the skin. Almond oil lifts impurities from body surfaces such as skin and teeth. Helps relieve dryness and inflammation. Most recommended carrier oil.
Oil: Extracted from the skin of the
fruit, orange oil is highly volatile
(evaporates easily) making it a
wonderful, non-greasy treatment for
the skin. Contains micronutrients
and has anti-microbial and
antibacterial properties. Helps ease
muscle aches and pains. The aromatic
properties are considered calming
and uplifting. Whisper of Silk - 120 ml/4 ounces $19.95
Comfort - Soothing Topical Liniment
Comfort - 50 ml $24.95
Do not ingest.
And we use organically grown and wild harvested oils for maximum quality and less pesticides. Unlike other products, these six contain NO artificial anything. We offer you products that make a difference. Allow Sateen, Whisper of Silk and Comfort take you where you want to go, naturally. Call toll-free 1-888-662-4057 to order all of 'em or simply order online. You'll be delighted you did. Order Now. It's Easy.
References: Federal Register, September 18, 1982; 47(188): 42563-42566. International Agency Research for Cancer. IARC Monographs on the Evaluation of Carcinogenic Risk to Humans. Overall Evaluations of Carcinogenesis: An Updating of IARC Monographs, vols. 1-42, supplement no. 7. Lyon, France: World Health Organization, 1987: 334-339. National Toxicology Program, Toxicology and Carcinogenesis Studies of Sodium Fluoride (CAS No. 7681-49-4) in F344/N Rats and B6C3F1 Mice (Drinking Water Studies). Research Triangle Park, NC: NIH Publication no. 91-2848, 12/90.
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug
Administration. This
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